Faster and easier blood testing in Canterbury

Blood test tube

Canterbury SCL, part of the Awanui network has made the process of getting a blood test easier and much faster for patients this month through the launch of their new online booking system.

This brings the third Awanui laboratory online to provide this option and are joined by Southern Community Laboratories and Medlab South. Together these three businesses provide the laboratory and pathology services to a significant proportion of the South Island population.

The offer of an online booking system allows patients needing blood tests to fit these services around times that suit them, reduces wait times, and will create more manageable workloads for staff.

Although booking is encouraged, appointments are structured to ensure there will always be space for walk-ins as we recognise not everyone will be able to make an online booking.

The online booking system means patients can book from the comfort of their own home 24/7, and can check their schedule and make a booking without a phone call.

The shift to a digital booking system was piloted at the Medlab South during the 2020 level 4 lockdown when the numbers of people arriving needed to be managed closely.

The Nelson pilot created several improvements and efficiencies and received high praise, so the system was kept and rolled out across more of the Awanui laboratories.

The ongoing restrictions due to various alert levels, particularly restrictions regarding the number of people in the Canterbury SCL collection centres at one time has created many challenges for patients and staff. By moving patients to booked appointments we expect wait times to improve and patient management and flow through our collection centres to be easier.

The booking system infrastructure is built in-house by the Awanui IT team and connected into our robust and secure information systems.

Bookings can be made via our website at

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